Datuk Temiang Belah - A Folktale from Bangka Belitung

Keterangan Bibliografi
Pengarang : Prima Hariyanto
Pengarang 2 :
Kontributor : Ana Susilowati (alih bahasa)
Penerbit : Badan Pengembangan bahasa dan Pembinaan Bahasa Kemendikbud
Kota terbit : Jakarta
Tahun terbit : 2016
ISBN : 978-602-437-043-5
Subyek : cerita rakyat - Sumatera (Bangka Belitung)
Klasifikasi : 38.209 Pri d
Bahasa : English
Edisi : cet. 1
Halaman : vi, 56 hlm.: ilus.; 21 cm.
Jenis Koleksi Pustaka


Kategori Pustaka



This is a folktale that originated in the Manggar community, East Belitung Regency, a story that based on The Chronicle of Datuk Temiang Belah. Through this folklore, children will learn a lot about the meaning of giving an doing good to all God’s creatures. The character in this story also teach how to be grateful for God’s blessings, even in condition of deprivation.

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