The invincible Indra Maulana

Keterangan Bibliografi
Pengarang : Dwi Antari
Pengarang 2 :
Kontributor : Agnes Cynthia (alih bahasa)
Penerbit : Badan Pengembangan bahasa dan Pembinaan Bahasa Kemendikbud
Kota terbit : Jakarta
Tahun terbit : 2016
ISBN : 978-602-437-016-9
Subyek : cerita rakyat - Melayu
Klasifikasi : 398.209 Dwi t
Bahasa : English
Edisi : cet. 1
Halaman : 51 hlm.: ilus.; 28 cm.
Jenis Koleksi Pustaka


Kategori Pustaka



This story is about the king’s son named Indra Maulana who was not liked by his father. He is a powerful and sakti child, but his parent were not aware of his condition. Several times Indra Maulana attempted to be killed, yet remain alive. Finally, Indra Maulana wass assigned yo look for Pujenggi Flowers.

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