The origin of the name Kasihan District, Bantul

Keterangan Bibliografi
Pengarang : Aji Prasetyo
Pengarang 2 :
Kontributor : Ana Susilawati (penerjemah)
Penerbit : Badan Pengembangan bahasa dan Pembinaan Bahasa Kemendikbud
Kota terbit : Jakarta
Tahun terbit : 2016
ISBN : 978-602-437-118-0
Subyek : Kecamatan Kasihan - Cerita rakyat - DIY
Klasifikasi : 398.20 Aji t
Bahasa : English
Edisi : cet. 1
Halaman : ix, 52 hlm.: ilus.; 21 cm.
Jenis Koleksi Pustaka


Kategori Pustaka



Ki Ageng Mangir Wonoboyo, who llived and rule the region of Mangiran Village has a marvelous weapon, Baru Klinting spear and hundreds of follower. Those power that make the greatness of Senopati as the King of Mataram was hanging by a thread. So, he sent his daughter Princess Pembayun to undercover as tayub dancer, Rara Kasihan, with a mission to attract Ki Ageng mangir Wonoboyo. Princess Pembayun alias Rara Kasihan, was already known as a tayub dancer, making the villagers around that place call her as Rara Kasihan, the tayub dancer. And, the village where the troupe of Ki Ageng Mangir Wonoboyo and Princess Pembayun took a rest was named Kasihan Village. This place is located in Bantul Regency, and this Kasihan area now becomes one of the districts in Bantul Regency.

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