Flow Cytometry Protocols second edition

Keterangan Bibliografi
Pengarang : Hawley, Teresa S. (editor)
Pengarang 2 :
Kontributor : Hawley, Robert G. (editor)
Penerbit : Humana Press
Kota terbit : New Jersey
Tahun terbit : 2002
ISBN : -
Subyek : Cytometry - laboratorium manuals
Klasifikasi : 616.075 Haw f
Bahasa : English
Edisi : Ed. 2
Halaman : 425 hlm.: ilus.
Jenis Koleksi Pustaka


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A flow cytometer is an instrument that illuminates cells (or other particles) as they flow individually in front of a light source and then detects and correlates the signals from those cells that result from the illumination. In this chapter, each of the aspects of that definition will be described: the characteristics of cells suitable for flow cytometry, methods to illuminate cells, the use of fluidics to guide the cells individually past the illuminating beam, the types of signals emitted by the cells and the detection of those signals, the conversion of light signals to digital data, and the use of computers to correlate and analyze the data after they are stored in a data file. The final section of the chapter will discuss the use of a flow cytometer to sort cells. This chapter can be read as a brief, self-contained survey. It can also be read as a gateway with signposts into the field. Other chapters in this book will provide more details, more references, and even some controversy about specific topics. The small size of bacteria makes some microbial constituents undetectable or measurable with only limited precision by flow cytometry. Bacteria may also behave differently from eukaryotes in terms of their interaction with dyes, drugs, and other reagents. It is therefore difficult to design multiparameter staining protocols that work, unmodified, across a wide range of bacterial species. This chapter describes reliable flow cytometric methods for assessment of the physiologic states of Gram-negative organisms, on the one hand, and Gram-positive organisms, on the other, based on measurement of membrane potential and membrane permeability.

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