Plant Biotechnology and Transgenic Plants

Keterangan Bibliografi
Pengarang : Oksman-Caldentey, Kirsi-Marja (editor)
Pengarang 2 :
Kontributor : Barz, Wolfgang H. (editor)
Penerbit : Marcel Dekker, Inc.
Kota terbit : New York
Tahun terbit : 2002
ISBN : 0-8247-0794-X
Subyek : Plant biotechnology - transgenic plants
Klasifikasi : 630 Oks p
Bahasa : English
Edisi : Cet. 1
Halaman : 694 hlm.: ilus.
Jenis Koleksi Pustaka


Kategori Pustaka

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Plant biotechnology is a rapidly developing field of plant research, and genetic engineering is an important tool in biotechnology. Biotechnology can provide, among other benefits, more nutritious and safer foods, better agronomical traits, and more effective pharmaceuticals or chemicals. Medicinal plants as well as other useful crops have great value for both the nonfood and the food industries. Plants can be used as such, or important metabolites can be isolated from them. Besides primary metabolites, plants produce drugs, pesticides, dyes, flavors, and fragrances. Plant breeding using either conventional or modern breeding methods has improved the quality or the agricultural properties of many crop plants. Metabolic engineering of plants has shown its potential both in basic research and as a tool of modern plant breeding. Designer crops can already produce valuable enzymes, proteins, and antibodies. In this book to provide the most up-to-date information on plant biotechnology and transgenic plant production. Review available methodologies for plant cell culture, transformation techniques for crop improvement, and strategies to yield high-value products. In addition, a wide spectrum of various applications of genetically engineered plants is presented. These activities are demonstrated in almost 30 chapters written by the most outstanding scientists in their respective field. Those authors are: 1. Wolfgang H. Barz and Kirsi-Marja Oksman-Caldentey (Plant Biotechnology—An Emerging Field) 2. Yvonne Holm and Raimo Hiltunen (Plant-Derived Drugs and Extracts) 3. Helmut Kessmann and Bernhard Schnurr (Industrial Strategies for the Discovery of Bioactive Compounds from Plants) 4. Peter M. A. Tigerstedt and Anna-Maija Niskanen (Plant Cell and Tissue Culture Techniques Used in Plant Breeding) 5. Kazuki Saito and Hajime Mizukami (Plant Cell Cultures as Producers of Secondary Compounds) 6. Richard M. Twyman, Paul Christou, and Eva Stoger (Genetic Transformation of Plants and Their Cells) 7. Pauline M. Doran (Properties and Applications of Hairy Root Cultures) 8. Regine Eibl and Dieter Eibl (Bioreactors for Plant Cell and Tissue Cultures) 9. D. G. Lindsay (The Potential Contribution of Plant Biotechnology to Improving Food Quality) 10. Michel Jacobs, Marc Vauterin, Eric Dewaele, and Adrian Craciun (Engineering Plant Biochemical Pathways for Improved Nutritional Quality) 11. A Ian H. Schulman (Transgenic Plants as Producers of Modified Starch and Other Carbohydrates) 12. Peter R. Shewry (Improving the Nutritional Quality and Functional Properties of Seed Proteins by Genetic Engineering) 13. Sean J. Coughlan and Anthony J. Kinney (Transgenic Plants as Sources of Modified Oils) 14. Holger Zorn and Ralf G. Berger (Flavors and Fragrances from Plants) 15. Michael Keil (Fine Chemicals from Plants) 16. Serap Whitmer, Robert van der Heijden, and Robert Verpoorte (Genetic Engineering of the Plant Cell Factory for Secondary Metabolite Production: Indole Alkaloid Production in Catharanthus roseus as a Model) 17. James W. Larrick, Lloyd Yu, Sudhir Jaiswal, and Keith Wycoff (Transgenic Plants for Production of Immunotherapeutic Agents) 18. Dierk Scheel (Signal Transduction Elements) 19. Bruno Moerschbacher (The Plant Cell Wall—Structural Aspects and Biotechnological Developments) 20. Alain-M. Boudet (Lignin Genetic Engineering: A Way to Better Understand Lignification beyond Applied Objectives) 21. Frank Van Breusegem and Dirk Inze (Transgenic Plants Expressing Tolerance Toward Oxidative Stress) 22. Holger Jeske (Transgenic Plants with Increased Tolerance against Viral Pathogens) 23. Raimund Tenhaken (Transgenic Plants with Enhanced Tolerance against Microbial Pathogens) 24. Danny J. Llewellyn and Thomas J. V. Higgins (Transgenic Crop Plants with Increased Tolerance to Insect Pests) 25. Jonathan Gressel (Transgenic Herbicide-Resistant Crops—Advantages, Drawbacks, and Failsafes) 26. Hans J. Bohnert and John C. Cushman (Plants and Environmental Stress Adaptation Strategies) 27. Stephan Clemens, Sebastien Thomine, and Julian I. Schroeder (Molecular Mechanisms that Control Plant Tolerance to Heavy Metals and Possible Roles in Manipulating Metal Accumulation)

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