History of Modern Technology II

Keterangan Bibliografi
Pengarang : Scheper, T. (managing editor)
Pengarang 2 :
Kontributor : Fiechter, A. (volume editor)
Penerbit : Springer
Kota terbit : Berlin
Tahun terbit : 2006
ISBN : -
Subyek : Biotechnology - Modern History
Klasifikasi : 660.6 Sch h
Bahasa : English
Edisi :
Halaman : 165 hlm.: ilus.
Jenis Koleksi Pustaka


Kategori Pustaka

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Genetical engineering, metabolism ond bioprocess development including analytics, automation and new software are the dominant fields of interest. Thereby progress made in microbiology, plant and animal cell culture has been reviewed for the last decade or so.The Special Issue on the History of Biotechnology (splitted into Vol. 69 and 70) is an exception to the otherwise forward oriented editorial policy.It covers a time span of approximately fifty years and describes the changes from a time with rather characteristic features of empirical strategies to highly developed and specialized enterprises. Success of the present biotechnology still depends on substantial investment in R & D undertaken by private and public investors, researchers, and enterpreneurs. Also a number of new scientific and business oriented organisations aim at the promotion of science and technology and the transfer to active enterprises, capital raising, improvement of education and fostering international relationships. Most of these activities related to modern biotechnology did not exist immediately after the war. Scientists worked in small groups and an established science policy didn’t exist. The authors of the Special Issue are scientists from the early days who are familiar with the fascinating history of modern biotechnology.They have successfully contributed to the development of their particular area of specialization and have laid down the sound basis of a fast expanding knowledge, such as: 1. N.W.F. Kossen (The Morphology of Filamentous Fungi) 2. Harald Bocker, Wolfgang A. Knorre (Antibiotica Research in Jena from Penicillin and Nourseothricin to Interferon) 3. Karl Schügerl (Development of Bioreaction Engineering) 4. Raphael Katzen, George T. Tsao (A View of the History of Biochemical Engineering) 5. John M. Woodley (Advances in Enzyme Technology – UK Contributions) 6. Henry R. Bungay (Computer Applications in Bioprocessing) 7. Walter Beyeler, Ettore DaPra, Kurt Schneider (Automation of Industrial Bioprocesses)

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