Biotechnology unzipped promises and realities

Keterangan Bibliografi
Pengarang : Grace, Erin S.
Pengarang 2 :
Kontributor :
Penerbit : Joseph Henry Press
Kota terbit : Washington DC
Tahun terbit : 1997
ISBN : 0-309-05777-9
Subyek : Biotechnology
Klasifikasi : 660.6 Gra b
Bahasa : English
Edisi :
Halaman : 264 hlm.: ilus.
Jenis Koleksi Pustaka


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Biotechnology is a difficult subject to get one's head aroud. It's big, technical, and ever-changing. The subject catches the imagination, but soon withers as a topic of conversation for lack of quick-to-communicate, easily understood facts. Biotechnology involves manipulations of living things that can be seem bizarre, almost unbelievable, to be uninitiated. The first chapter outlines the scientific background that made biotechnology possible - a primer basic biology for understanding why biotechnologist can do the sorts of things they do. the second chapter explains some of the processes and procedures of biotechnology - the "how" of genetic manipulation. Chapters 3 to 6, explores application of biotechnology, with examples of what is being done in the fields of medicine and agriculture, and in pollution control, mining, energy production, aquaculture,a nd forestry. The final chapter covers key issues:public attitudes to biotechnology, the patenting of genetically modified organism, and the role of science and technology in society.

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