Introduction to environmental biophysics

Keterangan Bibliografi
Pengarang : Campbell, Gaylon S.
Pengarang 2 :
Kontributor : Norman, John M.
Penerbit : Springer-Verlag New York, Inc
Kota terbit : New York
Tahun terbit : 1998
ISBN : 0-387-94937-2
Subyek : Biophysics
Klasifikasi : 571.4 Cam I
Bahasa : English
Edisi : Ed. 2
Halaman : 306 hlm.: ilus.
Jenis Koleksi Pustaka


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The objectives of "An Introduction to Environmental Biophysics" were "to describe the physical microenvironment in which living organisms reside" and "to present a simplified discussion of heat and mass transfer models and apply them to exchange processes between organisms and their surroundings." Start by describing the physical environment of living organisms (temperature, moisture, wind) and then consider the physics of heat and mass transport between organisms and their surroundings. This book is organized in 15 chapters: Chapter 1 Introduction: Microenvironments, Energy Exchange, Mass and Momentum Transport, Conservation of Energy and Mass, Continuity in the Biosphere, Models, Heterogeneity, and Scale, Applications, Units References Problems Chapter 2 Temperature: Typical Behavior of Atmospheric and Soil Temperature Random Temperature Variation, Modeling Vertical Variation in Air Temperature, Modeling Temporal Variation in Air Temperature, Soil Temperature Changes with Depth and Time, Temperature and Biological Development, Thermal Time, Calculating Thermal Time from Weather Data Temperature Extremes and the Computation of Thermal, Time, Normalization of Thermal Time, Thermal Time in Relation To Other Environmental Variables,References, Problems Chapter 3 Water Vapor and Other Gases: Specifying Gas Concentration, Water Vapor: Saturation Conditions, Condition of Partial Saturation, Spatial and Temporal Variation of Atmospheric Water Vapor, Estimating the Vapor Concentration in Air Chapter 4 Liquid Water in Organisms and their Environment: Water Potential and Water Content, Water Potentials in Organisms and their Surroundings, 3 Relation of Liquid- to Gas-Phase Water Chapter 5 Wind: Characteristics of Atmospheric Twbulence, Wind as a Vector, Modeling the Variation in Wind Speed, Finding the Zero Plane Displacement and the Roughness Length, Wind Within Crop Canopies Chapter 6 Heat and Mass Transport: Molar Fluxes, Integration of the Transport Equations, Resistances and Conductances, Resistors and Conductors in Series, Resistors in Parallel, Calculation of Fluxes Chapter 7 Conductances for Heat and Mass Transfer Chapter 8 Heat Flow in the Soil Chapter 9 Water Flow in Soil Chapter 10 Radiation Basics Chapter 11 Radiation Fluxes in Natural Environments Chapter 12 Animals and their Environment Chapter 13 Humans and their Environment Chapter 14 Plants and Plant Communities Chapter 15 The Light Environment of Plant Canopies
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