Psychiatry as a Neuroscience

Keterangan Bibliografi
Pengarang : Lopez-Ibor, Juan Jose
Pengarang 2 :
Kontributor : Gaebel, Wolfgang; Maj, Mario; Sartorius, Norman
Penerbit : John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Kota terbit : New York
Tahun terbit : 2002
ISBN : 0-470-84646-1
Subyek : Psychiatry - Neuroscience
Klasifikasi : 616.89 Lop P
Bahasa : English
Edisi :
Halaman : 342 hlm.: ilus.
Jenis Koleksi Pustaka


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Psychiatry has come on to good terms with the rest of neuroscience only very recently. Modern psychiatry was born at the end of the eighteenth century, together with the rest of medical disciplines. This was when physicians abandoned old theories about diseases, many of the Galenic and decided to describe what they saw, in accordance with the principles of modern science. Physicians learnt to see and the site and causes of diseases were ascribed to organs. The birth of psychiatry was more complex than that of the rest of medicine. It required three basic steps. the first was the delimitation of mental disorder from abnormal behaviours not accepted by socient. THe second step was quite straightforward: to ascribe what as left - that is mental disease - to an organ, quite naturally the brain. Immediately a third step was necessary, as psychiatry never fitted into a reductionistic medical model, and psychiatrists recognized among their patient some who seemed not to be suffering the consequences of brain disorders. Endogeneous psychoses are different they are characterized by manifestations that do not correspond to normal psychological phenomena, nor do they derive from them. Endogenous psychoses, schizophrenia and mood disorder are the most characteristic of psychiatric disorders amd also the most enigmatic.
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