Computating Cell Biology

Keterangan Bibliografi
Pengarang : Fall, Christopher P....{] (editor)
Pengarang 2 :
Kontributor : Marland, Eric S.; Wagner, John M.; Tyson, John J.
Penerbit : Springer
Kota terbit : New York
Tahun terbit : 2002
ISBN : 0-387-95369-8
Subyek : Cytologi - Computer simulation
Klasifikasi : 571.601 13 Fal C
Bahasa : English
Edisi :
Halaman : 489 hlm.: ilus.
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Computating Cell Biology is an introduction to dynamical modeling in cell biology. It is not meant as a complete overview of modeling or of particular models in cell biology. Rather, we use selected biological examples to motivate the concepts and techniques used in computational cell biology. This is done through a progression of increasingly more complex cellular functions modeled with increasingly complex mathematical and computational techniques.The target audience for this text is mathematically sophisticated cell biology or neuroscience students or mathematics students who wish to learn about modeling in cell biology. The ideal class would comprise both biology and applied math students, who might be encouraged to collaborate on exercises or class projects. We consider the first six chapters, through intercellular communication, to be the core of the text. They cover the basic elements of compartmental modeling, and they should be accessible to anyone with a minimum background in cell biology and calculus. The remainder of the chapters cover more specialized topics that can be selected from, based on the focus of the course. Chapters 7 and 8 introduce spatial modeling, Chapters 9 and 10 discuss biochemical oscillations and the cell cycle, and Chapters 11–13 cover stochastic methods and models. These chapters are of varying degrees of difficulty. Chapters in this book are Introductory Course (Dynamic Phenomena in Cells,Voltage Gated Ionic Currents, Transporters and Pumps, Fast and Slow Time Scales, Whole–Cell Models, Intercellular Communication} ; Solving and Analyzing Dynamical Systems Using XPPAUT; Advanced Material (Spatial Modeling, Modeling Intracellular Calcium Waves and Sparks, Biochemical Oscillations,Cell Cycle Controls, Modeling the Stochastic Gating of Ion Channels, Molecular Motors: Theory,Molecular Motors: Examples) ; Qualitative Analysis of Differential Equations
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