Genetics and human behaviour: the ethical context

Keterangan Bibliografi
Pengarang : Kennedy, Sir Ian (chairman)
Pengarang 2 :
Kontributor : Bobrow, Martin
Penerbit : Nuffield Council on Bioethics
Kota terbit : Brimsdown, Enfield
Tahun terbit : 2002
ISBN : 1 904384 03 X
Subyek : Genetika - Perilaku Manusia
Klasifikasi : 611.018 166 3
Bahasa : English
Edisi :
Halaman : 258 hlm. ilus.
Jenis Koleksi Pustaka


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Human behaviour is influenced both by the genes that we inherit and the environment in which we live. With the significant advances in our knowledge of genetics and publication of the draft sequence of the human genome, the focus of research has moved once again towards understanding the biological contribution to behaviour.1 Some researchers are attempting to locate specific genes, or groups of genes, associated with behavioural traits and to understand the complex relationship between genes and the environment. This is called research in behavioural genetics. In contrast to research into the genetic basis of diseases and disorders, researchers in behavioural genetics investigate aspects of our personalities such as intelligence, sexual orientation, susceptibility to aggression and other antisocial conduct, and tendencies towards extraversion and novelty-seeking. The Report is divided into three parts. The first part of the Report explains the historical and scientific background to research in the field of behavioural genetics. Chapter 2 outlines the history of the eugenics movement and its profound effect on the development of clinical genetics and developmental psychology since the Second World War. Chapter 3 attempts to explain what is meant by the suggestion that genes influence or affect human behaviour. There are different ways in which one can study the contribution that genetic factors make to human behaviour. Chapters 4-6 explain the different methods used by researchers in behavioural genetics. The second part of the Report, Chapters 7–11, contains reviews of the findings that have been obtained to date in each of these methods of research, with respect to the following behavioural traits: intelligence, personality, antisocial behaviour and sexual orientation. The principal themes that emerge from the reviews of the evidence are summarised in Chapter 11. The Report has been written so that readers not wishing to digest the scientific information contained in the reviews of the evidence can refer to Chapter 11 instead, without compromising their understanding of the Report. The third part of the Report examines the ethical, legal and policy issues and offers a series of conclusions and recommendations. Chapter 12 begins by discussing whether there is an inherent conflict between understanding the genetic influences on behaviour and human dignity, as it is expressed in the concepts of free will and moral responsibility. Chapter 13 then addresses some of the potential applications of the research including genetic, medical and environmental interventions aimed at changing behavioural traits, as well as prenatal selection. Chapter 14 is concerned with the implications of research in behavioural genetics for the criminal justice system, in relation to attributions of legal responsibility and sentencing, and in predicting antisocial behaviour. Chapter 15 considers genetic testing and selection with regard to education, employment and insurance. The conclusions and recommendations from the Report are summarised in the remainder of this section. Genetics and human behaviour: the ethical context consist of 4 section: Introduction and context (Introduction, The historical context); Scientific background (Research in behavioural genetics, Quantitative genetics: measuring heritability, Identifying genetic factors contributing to individual differences in behaviour, Research in behaviour genetics involving animals) ; Reviews of the evidence (Intelligence,Personality, Antisocial behaviour, Sexual orientation, Themes from the reviews of the evidence) ; Ethical, legal, social and policy issues (Genetics, freedom and human dignity, Selecting and changing behavioural traits, Legal responsibility, Testing and selection in employment, education and insurance)
# Inventaris Dapat dipinjam Status Ada
1 8851/P1/2020.c1 Ya
2 8852/P1/2020.c2 Ya
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