Modern Biochemistry 3rd. edition

Keterangan Bibliografi
Pengarang : Boyer, Rodney
Pengarang 2 :
Kontributor :
Penerbit : Benjamin Cumming
Kota terbit : San Francisco
Tahun terbit : 2000
ISBN : 0-8053-3111-5
Subyek : Biokimia modern
Klasifikasi : 572.028 Boy M
Bahasa : English
Edisi : Ed. 3
Halaman : 480 hlm.: ilus.
Jenis Koleksi Pustaka


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Modern Biochemistry provide junior-senior science students with a modern, balanced, and thorough practice in experimental biochemistry and molecular biology. This book is organized into two parts: Theory and Experimental Techniques and Experiment. Part I, introduces students to theoretical and background material for the experiments. This part may also serve as a supplement for instructors who use their own experiments. Part II there are 15 experiments that represent all areas of biochemistry, including working with proteins and nucleic acid isolation and characterization. Introduction and Theory section is assumed that student has studied the general subject in the classroom. the general discussion includes theoretical and practical information that is generaly not available in biochemistry textbooks. Material and Supplies section is a complete list of all materials, supplies and equipment required for the experiment is provided. Experimental Procedure section contains a step-by-step detailed procedure for the experiment. Analysis of result section is instructed in the proper collection and handling of data from the experiment. Study problems are provided for student practice at the end of each experiment. Further reading sections is in each experiment end with a complete list of references that provide either a more detailed background or an expanded explanation of procedures and techniques.
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