Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry

Keterangan Bibliografi
Pengarang : Murray, Robert K.
Pengarang 2 :
Kontributor : Granner, Daryl K.; Mayes, Peter A.; Rodwell, Victor W.
Penerbit : McGrawHill Company
Kota terbit : New York
Tahun terbit : 2003
ISBN : 0-07-138901-6
Subyek : Biokimia
Klasifikasi : 572 Mur H
Bahasa : English
Edisi :
Halaman : 702 hlm. : ilus.
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Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry has some goals. A major goal of the authors continues to be to provide both medical and other students of the health sciences with a book that both describes the basics of biochemistry and is user-friendly and interesting. A second major ongoing goal is to reflect the most significant advances in biochemistry that are important to medicine. However, a third major goal of this edition was to achieve a substantial reduction in size, as feedback indicated that many readers prefer shorter texts. all of the chapters were rigorously edited, involving their amalgamation, division, or deletion,and many were reduced to approximately one-half to two-thirds of their previous size. This has been effected without loss of crucial information but with gain in conciseness and clarity. there are many new features in the twenty-sixth edition. These include: • A new chapter on amino acids and peptides, which emphasizes the manner in which the properties of biologic peptides derive from the individual amino acids of which they are comprised. • A new chapter on the primary structure of proteins, which provides coverage of both classic and newly emerging “proteomic” and “genomic” methods for identifying proteins. A new section on the application of mass spectrometry to the analysis of protein structure has been added, including comments on the identification of covalent modifications. • The chapter on the mechanisms of action of enzymes has been revised to provide a comprehensive description of the various physical mechanisms by which enzymes carry out their catalytic functions. • The chapters on integration of metabolism, nutrition, digestion and absorption, and vitamins and minerals have been completely re-written. • Among important additions to the various chapters on metabolism are the following: update of the information on oxidative phosphorylation, including a description of the rotary ATP synthase; new insights into the role of GTP in gluconeogenesis; additional information on the regulation of acetyl-CoA carboxylase; new information on receptors involved in lipoprotein metabolism and reverse cholesterol transport; discussion of the role of leptin in fat storage; and new information on bile acid regulation, including the role of the farnesoid X receptor (FXR). • The chapter on membrane biochemistry in the previous edition has been split into two, yielding two new chapters on the structure and function of membranes and intracellular traffic and sorting of proteins. • Considerable new material has been added on RNA synthesis, protein synthesis, gene regulation, and various aspects of molecular genetics. • Much of the material on individual endocrine glands present in the twenty-fifth edition has been replaced with new chapters dealing with the diversity of the endocrine system, with molecular mechanisms of hormone action, and with signal transduction. The chapter on plasma proteins, immunoglobulins, and blood coagulation in the previous edition has been split into two new chapters on plasma proteins and immunoglobulins and on hemostasis and thrombosis. • New information has been added in appropriate chapters on lipid rafts and caveolae, aquaporins, connexins, disorders due to mutations in genes encoding proteins involved in intracellular membrane transport, absorption of iron, and conformational diseases and pharmacogenomics. • A new and final chapter on “The Human Genome Project” (HGP) has been added, which builds on the material covered in Chapters 35 through 40. Because of the impact of the results of the HGP on the future of biology and medicine, it appeared appropriate to conclude the text with a summary of its major findings and their implications for future work. • As initiated in the previous edition, references to useful Web sites have been included in a brief Appendix at the end of the text. Section I deals with the structures and functions of proteins and enzymes, the workhorses of the body. Because almost all of the reactions in cells are catalyzed by enzymes, it is vital to understand the properties of enzymes before considering other topics. Section II explains how various cellular reactions either utilize or release energy, and it traces the pathways by which carbohydrates and lipids are synthesized and degraded. It also describes the many functions of these two classes of molecules. Section III deals with the amino acids and their many fates and also describes certain key features of protein catabolism. Section IV describes the structures and functions of the nucleotides and nucleic acids, and covers many major topics such as DNA replication and repair, RNA synthesis and modification, and protein synthesis. It also discusses new findings on how genes are regulated and presents the principles of recombinant DNA technology. Section V deals with aspects of extracellular and intracellular communication. Topics covered include membrane structure and function, the molecular bases of the actions of hormones, and the key field of signal transduction. Section VI consists of discussions of eleven special topics: nutrition, digestion, and absorption; vitamins and minerals; intracellular traffic and sorting of proteins; glycoproteins; the extracellular matrix; muscle and the cytoskeleton; plasma proteins and immunoglobulins; hemostasis and thrombosis; red and white blood cells; the metabolism of xenobiotics; and the Human Genome Project.
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