Flavanoids: Chemistry, Biochemistry and Applications

Keterangan Bibliografi
Pengarang : Andersen, Oyvind M.
Pengarang 2 :
Kontributor : Markham, Kenneth R.
Penerbit : CRC Taylor & Francis
Kota terbit : Boca Raton
Tahun terbit : 2006
ISBN : 978-0-8493-2021
Subyek : Flavanoids
Klasifikasi : 612.01528
Bahasa : English
Edisi :
Halaman : 1212 hlm.: ilus.
Jenis Koleksi Pustaka


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This compilation of reviews on flavonoids and their properties and functions. advances in the flavonoid field have been nothing short of spectacular. These advances are particularly evident in the contributed chapters that cover:the discovery of a variety of new flavonoids; the application of advanced analytical techniques;genetic manipulation of the flavonoid pathway; improved understanding of flavonoid structures and physiological functions in plants and animals; and, perhaps most importantly,the significance of flavonoids to human health. Chapters 1 and 2 review the application of contemporary isolation, quantification, and spectroscopic techniques in flavonoid analysis, while Chapter 3 is devoted to molecular biology and biotechnology of flavonoid biosynthesis. Individual chapters address the flavonoids in food (Chapter 4) and wine (Chapter 5), and the impact of flavonoids and other phenolics on human health (Chapter 6 and, in part, Chapter 16). Chapter 8 reviews newly discovered flavonoid functions in plants, while Chapter 9 is the first review of flavonoid–protein interactions. Chapters 10 to 17 discuss the chemistry and distribution of the various flavonoid classes including new structures reported during 1993 to 2004.A complete listing of all known flavonoids within the various flavonoid classes are found in these later chapters and the Appendix, and to date a total of above 8150 different flavonoids has been reported. The information contained within this book will prove to be invaluable to a wide range of researchers, professionals, and advanced students in both the academic and industrial sectors.
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