Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology - Biochemistry 3rd Ed.

Keterangan Bibliografi
Pengarang : -
Pengarang 2 :
Kontributor :
Penerbit : Thieme
Kota terbit : New York
Tahun terbit : [2014]
ISBN : -
Subyek : Biokimia - Ilmu Fisika dan Teknologi
Klasifikasi : 572 Enc
Bahasa : English
Edisi : Ed. 3
Halaman : 220 hlm.: ilus.
Jenis Koleksi Pustaka


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Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology - Biochemistry 3rd edition consist of 13 section, which are: Bioenergetics; Enzyme Mechanisms; Food Colors; Glycoconjugates and Carbohydrates; Ion Transport Across Biological Membranes; Lipoprotein/Cholesterol Metabolism; Membrane Structure; Natural Antioxidants In Foods; Nucleic Acid Synthesis; Protein Folding; Protein Structure; Protein Synthesis; Vitamins and Coenzymes. BIOENERGETICS, an amalgamation of the term biological energetics, is the branch of biology and biochemistry that is concerned with how organisms extract energy from their environment and with how energy is used to fuel the myriad of life’s endergonic processes. Enzymes are biological molecules which accelerate the rate, and often direct the specificity, of a chemical reaction. Like all catalysts, they are not themselves consumed in the reactions in which they participate but are regenerated to take part in multiple cycles.
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