Genetic Nature/Culture: Anthropology and Science beyond the Two-Culture Devide

Keterangan Bibliografi
Pengarang : Goodman, Alan H. (editor)
Pengarang 2 :
Kontributor : Heath, Deborah; Lindee, M. Susan (editor)
Penerbit : University of California Press
Kota terbit : Berkeley
Tahun terbit : 2003
ISBN : 0-520-23793-5
Subyek : Genetika populasi manusia
Klasifikasi : 599.93 5 Good G
Bahasa : Indonesia
Edisi :
Halaman : 331 hlm.
Jenis Koleksi Pustaka


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Genetic Nature/Culture: Anthropology and Science beyond the Two-Culture Devide represents a collective commitment to a relational, dialectical perspective on genetics and its cultural-material complexities The chapters in this collection, representing a rich mix of perspectives from biological and cultural anthropologists, geneticists, sociologists, and historians, examine genetics at the intersection between nature and culture. The contributors share the conviction that genetic practice and discourses about genetics are fertile material–symbolic terrain for considering key questions such as the relationships between science and society and, within the academy, between the sciences and the humanities. The genetics revolution entered cultural anthropology in several ways, re?ecting, in part, the divisions in that ?eld.many were at the same time interested in the social impact of genetics. That interest surfaced ?rst in stud-ies of the new reproductive technologies, which struck anthropological chords because of their implications for kinship theory. New ?elds and new ways of thinking about old concepts emerged: the new kinship studies, the politics of reproduction, and challenges to accustomed ways of looking at gender, property, and identity. A second kind of interest focused on the study of knowledge production, including the production of genetic knowledge. A third arena was medical anthropology, including research on institu- tional settings (e.g., in diagnosis and counseling), where genetics and dis- eases known or assumed to have genetic bases are at issue.
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